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Anti food waste group launched


An official launch of new anti-food waste group Nourished for Nil was held last Wednesday in Hastings.

“Our project needed a start date, one that we can look back on and reflect how far we have come since, and also to make official all the hard work we have done so far,” says co-founder Christina McBeth.

Christina says the launch went well, with several local councillors popping in and live music entertainment provided by Jamie Fisher.

“Most of our volunteers turned out for the occasion – even Lawrence Yule came by to give us his blessing.”

Nourished for Nil intends to use volunteers to gather unwanted food from local cafes and businesses and then give it away to those who need it at the end of each working day.

Christina says they have 17 food donors on board, with some donating every day and others on different days.

A volunteer pool of “about 20 generous people” have already put their hands up to help.

“It has been a wonderfully humbling experience.”Christina says the group has found a premises which will suit their needs until the end of the winter months, and have approached a sub-lease holder about the possibility of using the space.

“It is a work in progress at the moment. As it turns out, it is a council owned building, so we registered our interest with the councillors when they dropped in. It helps to just keep the dialogue open.”

Christina says since beginning the project six weeks ago they have had plenty of food to give away but not enough people coming to get it.

“It is better than the other way around of course. Any leftovers we have – and each day there have been some – we have been donating it locally to an organisation that feeds under-privileged children. There is no food waste.”

Last week was the first time a potential donor made contact – “not the other way around, a real victory”.

Nourished for Nil wants to get the word out that they are giving away food, which they believe needs to find it’s way to the right people and neighbourhoods.

Christina believes word of mouth is the best way for that to happen and hopes this is something that will grow in time.

“You can see the look on our volunteers’ faces – they love the one-on-one interaction with the people who do come. It’s something special to give something in exchange for a smile rather than money.”

Christina says they can always use more volunteers and the best way to become part of their team is to either contact them on Facebook or via website.

“Or come down to the depot in Landmark Square on the corner of Warren and Heretaunga streets between 4pm-6pm while we are in operation and talk to either Christina, or Louise.”

Published in NZ Herald




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